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Caroline Rochford

Freelance Digital Marketer

Helping brands and customers create strategic digital marketing campaigns

Caroline Rochford Freelance Digital Marketer

Whether it’s a one-time social media campaign or creating a content strategy from the ground up, I can help your brand with all your digital marketing needs.

Graphic Design

Content Creation

Social Strategy

Caroline Rochford Freelance Digital Marketer


My strategic process is based on individuality. Each brand is unique and their digital marketing strategy needs to reflect that; I don’t offer a one-size fits all solution. Learn more about me!

Caroline Rochford Freelance Digital Marketer
Caroline Rochford Freelance Digital Marketer


I specialize in working with small brands to build their awareness and grow their digital presence. I offer a wide range of digital marketing services including social media, graphic design and copywriting. Unsure what your brand needs? I work with each individual client to learn their goals and how I can best support their digital marketing needs.


I have worked with brands across various industries from healthcare to nonprofits. Get a flavor for my work.